
Showing posts from September, 2022


  Today we went over our one-pagers. My classmate had some pretty great illustrations. I could tell that they put lot of effort into their work. Their question were also good and thought provoking. Most of their personal connection correlated to the story correctly.

Bellringer 9/26

1. They celebrate the dawn of the dead 2. They celebrate cinco de mayo 3. They have quinceneras for their 15th birthday  I want to know about the holidays they celebrate and get a backstory on why they celebrate them. 

One pager



  I left class early but I believe we were introduced to a book we will began reading. Also we turned in our one pager assignment today. I feel like I did good and put a lot of effort into my work. I know there are a few things that could be better on this assignment but for the most part I feel like I did good and followed the directions.  


  Class today was pretty chill. I’m glad we got extra time to complete the one pager assignment. This assignment is one of my favorite assignments so far because I like to draw even though I’m I’m not the best.  I’m ready to see my peers finished product and how they interpreted the story. 


  In class today we worked on our testing skills. I feel like the process of elimination really helps me to get the answers more easily. Also you giving us only 1 minute and 30 seconds helps with time management. Lastly I feel like using process of elimination helps me comprehend the question more effectively.


  In class today we added a continuation onto the end of “Rockpile” which allowed me to think creatively. We also answer questions about the story using the process of elimination. I feel like process of elimination is very helpful and allows me to answer questions more effectively. Lastly the one pager assignment is a very unique and fun assignment idea. I can wait to let my creativity flow through this assignment.  

Rockpile New Ending

 Slowly his father, Gabriel used his right hand with minimal power to raise his head that was nearly touching his boot.  “Never lower your head to another man.” He let out pridefully.  John looked at his father with tears waiting to spill from his eyes. John was scared by his fathers calmness. After seeing  his step son’s face he immediately felt sympathetic. Without saying anything else he pulled him into a tight embrace. 


  Today was my first day back after having covid. It felt good to turn in missing assignment because my grade plummeted due to the days I missed. I was also checked out because I had a doctors appointment. It was just a standard check up so it didn’t take very long.  


 Tonight I found out that I’m officially covid free. Therefore I will be excited to be returning to school. I look forward to make up my assignment because mg absence’s have be reflected through my grades. I’m just really to come out of quarantine and continue with my life.


 I’m currently out of school due to covid. In the past few days I have I spent all of my time quarantined in my room. Though, covid cases have dropped drastically, covid is still very much real. This will be my second time getting covid so I am proof.