
Showing posts from August, 2022


  In class today we read and analyzed the poem “Heart, We Will Forget Him” by Emily Dickinson. This poem was about getting over someone you once loved. One of the theme this poem had was love isn not always bliss.  We also read the poem “Success is counted sweetest” by the same author. This poem inferred that success is more appreciated by those who aren’t successful.

Emily Dickson

  Today in class we analyzed the poem “I felt a Funeral, in my brain” by Emily Dickson. This poem was about metal illness and it used a metaphor to compare losing the mind to being buried alive. The message I got from this store is get help before your problems and shames consume you. The personal connection I felt to the poem was when my mom went to prison. I felt totally numb, like I had no control over my own life.  

Bellringer 8/29

 I believe that the probability of their being life outside of earth is extremely likely. For the picture of earth from mars shows us that we are only a tiny part of the universe and to think we’re the only humans or species is outrageous. My reaction to the sound of the black is it’s quite fascinating that we were about to pick up such a unique and definitely one of a kind moment. Lastly, This made me realize we aren’t even a fraction of the universe so why should we assume we’re the only living organisms here. 

We Real Cool

  In class today we analyzed and broke down a poem titled “We Real Cool”. It used the number 7 to symbolize luck, wisdom, and completion.     It had a straightforward and solemn tone. Also, the characters the poems was based off were black teenagers. The theme was trying to live to fast could cause a premature death.



Ethos, Logos, Pathos

  Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos). Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. Logos- Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. We should be allowed Friday off because it would give the students a well needed break and give the teacher extra time to plan lessons and update grades. Ethos-Mr.Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. We should be allowed Friday off because as a student I know Friday is one of the most exhausting days of the week. On Friday I spend my whole day thinking about going home and sleeping in all weekend.  Pathos- Mr. Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. We should be allowed a Friday off because after a week longs work, students are exhausted and overworked. Overworking your self could lead to a weakened immune system leaving the body defenseless against diseases. 

Unpopular Opinion

Buying cards for birthday or events are a cop out and waste of money since cards are often brought to hold an external gift such as money or a girt card. An average person buys ove 10 birthday or greeting cards a year.Cards are typically between $2-$4 dollars, therefore people waste $60-$100 per year on an item that is briefly looked at, discarded, and never thought of again. 


Everything is an argument. An argument is an opinion (claim) supported by evidence. Contrary to popular belief the purpose of most arguments aren’t persuasive. An argument is constructed of a claim, evidence, and rebuttal. Your claim must be arguable. Their are three types of claims and they are claim of fact, value, and policy. Lastly you must be accurate, specific, and clear to enforce an effective argument. 

My Purpose

  I think my purpose in life is to succeed. I say my purpose in life is to succeed because my definition of success can change overtime. My definition of success right now is to graduate and make it to college. 10 years from now my vision of success may be to be a full time travel nurse. I feel like your purpose changes with the aspects of you life. Success would always be something I want to achieve so I feel like that is my purpose.  

Understanding a complex text

 We learned to analyze and find the deeper meaning within a film and poem. Read multiple time helps me comprehend the text better. Also, asking questions about things we don’t understand adds to understanding of the text. Taking out terms that I don’t understand and looking up their definition also gives me a better understanding. Lastly, adding side note writing out your understanding give me a better understanding of the text.  (I did it yesterday but posted it under pages)

Formal and informal language

 In August 16th we learned about formal and informal language. Formal language is used under a serious or professional circumstance. Circumstances that may be considered formal are college essays and business letters. Informal language is used in casual circumstances. A few circumstances that informal language is use in are talking with friends and dialogue within stories.


 My name is Alexus Perdue. I am 15 but I will be turning 16 in 10 days. I’m originally from Atlanta, Georgia but I reside in Decatur, Georgia. For fun I like to watch movies and read. A few academics goals I have for myself are getting all A’s, maintaining a good relationship with my teacher, and lastly be active in my school community.