
Showing posts from March, 2023

March 31

 Today we worked on two more rhetorical device. The words were climax and parrallelism. We did one exercise for both of these. I’m happy that we get out for spring break today and this is the last blogger that we have to do !!!

March 30

 Mr.Rease was absent today but thankfully we got one of the “good” substitutes. I was a chill class day. We had to copy a few definitions and do a couple of exercises from the textbook. 

March 28

 Today we worked on another rhetoric device. The device we worked on today was sententia and it is simply a fancy term for a quotation, maxim, or wise saying. This has been one of the easiest terms so far . 

March 27

 Today we took the test on rhetoric device. It was pretty easy but I kept second guessing myself. Then we went over a new device which was eponym. 

March 24

 Today we worked further on rhetorical devices. We watch movie clips and evaluated the devices within it. This assignment made me realize how I don’t really listen deeply in the dialogue in the movies and tv shows I watch. 

March 22

 Today we did a rhetorical analysis on a speech made by Trump on illegal immigrants. We found and analyzed the rhetoric devices. We found the evidence and purpose of the device. 

March 21st

 Today we listened to the I have a deem speech by Martin Luther King Jr. I was a very powerful speech. While listening to the speech we paused and identified the rhetoric devices. We identified the evidence and purpose. 

March 20th

 I was absent. 

March 17th

 Today was another chill day. We worked further on the same thing from the day before. We added on two more literary onto our assignment. 

March 16th

 Today was a pretty chill day in class. We worked on the literacy term, procatalepsis. We had to compose a opposition and a rebuttal. And Mr. Rease began giving us evaluations on our synthesis essay.

March 15

 Today we read Two Kind by Amy Tan. Through us reading we had to create question from what we read. We also created the answer choices. Then we use the process of elimination to find the correct answer.

March 13

 Today we read a passage called I want a wife I believe. It was written by a feminist in the 1970’s if I’m recalling correctly. It gave insight into what some men hope to find in a wife. Some things in this passage were very contradicting. 

March 10

 I had a pretty good day today. This morning I went out with my family for brunch. Then my sister and I went to the basketball game. It was very disappointing because we drove 1 hour just for them to lose, badly. 

March 9

 Today we completed our synthesis essay. It wasn’t what I anticipated. I expected it to be a breeze but the pressure of not having a lot of time triggered my anxiety. Another fault of mines was that I kept rethinking myself and changing thing as I was going when I should’ve worked to finish then went back to revise. The pressure of this make me a little scared for the ap exam. 

March 7

 Today we worked on perfecting our prompt. Our prompt was over social Messi effects and implications. We analyzed what we we already had and fixed everything that needed to be fixed. Lastly, we made sure we had the seven sources we needed. 

March 6

 Today in class we worked on creating a claim and supporting it using our sources. We did it similar to speed dating. Every 8 minutes we switch to another group. Each group had a different claim and everyone made it to each table. 

March 2

 Today we did paperwork in class because the power was out. Although it wasn’t anything hard I think I prefer electronic work. We read a prompt and looking at two sources. We also listed the implications for the claims we made. 

March 1

 Today’s class was very chill and calm. We spent the beginning of class working on our annotated bibliography. The bibliography assignment isn’t difficult per se but everything has its challenges. Then the end of class was spent watching and following the school parade. It was kind of a let down but it was the thought that counted.